A link to the public Facebook Page
Trans Radio UK
Trans Radio UK, a worldwide radio station made by the trans community for the trans community. Worldwide Trans Radio Station which has trans, NB and ally presenters playing a full range of music from 1920s to today and everything in between, including trans artists and various topical chat/discussion shows. A radio station for the trans community made by the community. A good social community and they have an active chat room on their website. They also have a text support line for trans/non binary people and their partners, TRUK Listens. Text TRUK to 60777 (or for those outside the UK +44 778 6200 690).
TRUK Listens – because everybody needs to talk sometime
A helpline for transgender, non binary and gender fluid people who need support. Whether you want advice or just a friendly voice, TRUK Listens is there for you. The service is a voice and WhatsApp service and run by a team of community volunteers. www.truklistens.org
Pink Therapy
UK Independent specialist gender and sexual diversity therapy, run by people in the LGBTIQA community, for people in the LGBTIQA+ communities. Also specialist training for therapists delivered online www.pinktherapy.org
It’s All About My Lucy
Blog about ongoing life of living with a transgendered partner who has made the decision to transition. Showing the story through the eyes of a devoted and loving CIS wife.
Worth starting at the first post ‘In the beginning’ as the rest of the blog documents their journey together.